MAY 2021
A Passion Project For The Ages
Ben Hess (@benhessfilms) reached out and invited us to a dinner with Spencer Davis (@spencerdavisphotography). Spencer had an awesome idea for shooting a brand partnership video for Umberto Luce Motor Cycle Boots and had a need for an insert car. We used #thedistance rigged up with our Flowcine Black Arm and Tranquilizer, Ronin 2, and Ben’s RED Gemini & Atlas Orion Glass. Overall, an insanely awesome project to have played a role in!
Brand Partnership: @umbertoluce
Director/Producer: @spencerdavisphoto
DP/Editor: @Benhessfilms
Arm Car: @rakavisuals
1st AC: @eqvisions
VoiceOver: @laithchaz
BTS Photo: @_alexqian, @jjdvisuals
Stunt Drivers: @jono_winters @jjdvisuals @onegratefulmama